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Grant ParkWest BroadwaySouth PortageExchange DistrictRichmond WestLeila - McPhillips TriangleKing EdwardChalmersWest Fort Garry IndustrialWest AlexanderSpenceFort RichmondMinnetonkaCentral St. BonifacePembina StripPolo ParkTuxedo IndustrialRegentGarden CityVistaSt. James InustrialDaniel McintyreMontcalmEarl GreyRossmereRiver - Osborne
Cuisines in Chalmers
Chalmers's amazing restaurants and dishes.
We now have 19 restaurant partners, serving over 17 different cuisines including Indian, Pizza, Chinese, Kebabs, Chicken. We work with the best restaurants and have tons of reviews, with an average Skip Score of 88. You can either enter your delivery address to browse a selection of restaurants near you, or peruse our list of the top restaurants in Chalmers. If you want to arrange for pickup instead of delivery, check out the Chalmers restaurants that offer pickup.