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Skip Plus

Here’s how your Skip+ membership delivers more*:

Skip Plus Delivery

Unlimited $0 delivery fee.

On nearly every order. Cha-ching.
Skip Plus Benefits

Lower service fees.

You’ll see the lowest fees. Like 40% off or more.
Skip Plus Bonus Points

Bonus Points.

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Skip Plus Benefits

Premium deals.

From Canada’s most-popular restaurants and retailers. Not bad, eh?
Skip plus membership

Members-only access.

Think tickets, events, and gifts from brands you love.

But wait, get even more of Skip+


As a CIBC cardholder, access even more exclusive perks and savings*.

  • Free Skip+ membership for 12 months.
  • Welcome offer: $15 off 3 Skip+ orders over $30.
  • Preferred monthly fee of only $6.99/mo after your 12-month free trial.
No CIBC card? Check out these exclusive CIBC offers.

Our Partners

Live Nation Canada

Don’t miss out on 6 months free.

What about after your free trial? At $9.99 plus taxes each month, it pays for itself. Within 1-3 orders you can easily save your money back.


* Terms Apply.