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Sala Floral

Sala Floral

7380 Kingsway

Floral Disclaimer

Before placing your order, make sure you've entered the correct address and included any relevant delivery instructions. I.e. Buzzer number for apartments. Gift notes can be entered in the Special Instructions section for your item(s). Thanks!

Vase Arrangements

Basic Vase Arrangement

Basic Vase Arrangement

Locally sourced seasonal flowers, beautifully arranged in a vase by our in-house florists in a variety of colours. We can't guarantee specific flowers or colours.


Signature Vase Arrangement

Signature Vase Arrangement

Locally sourced seasonal flowers, beautifully arranged in a vase by our in-house florists in a variety of colours. We can't guarantee specific flowers or colours.


Deluxe Vase Arrangement

Deluxe Vase Arrangement

Locally sourced seasonal flowers, beautifully arranged in a vase by our in-house florists in a variety of colours. We can't guarantee specific flowers or colours.


Flower Bouquets 💐

Basic Wrapped Flowers

Basic Wrapped Flowers

Locally sourced seasonal flowers, beautifully arranged by our in-house florists in a variety of colours. We can't guarantee specific flowers or colours.


Signature Wrapped Flowers

Signature Wrapped Flowers

Locally sourced seasonal flowers, beautifully arranged by our in-house florists in a variety of colours. We can't guarantee specific flowers or colours.


Deluxe Wrapped Flowers

Deluxe Wrapped Flowers

Locally sourced seasonal flowers, beautifully arranged by our in-house florists in a variety of colours. We can't guarantee specific flowers or colours.


Roses đŸŒč

16 red and white roses

16 red and white roses

A beautiful mix of red roses and white roses can say many different things. White roses represent purity, simplicity, reverence & spirituality, and red roses represent romantic love and passion. Together they make a stunning bouquet that is sure to please.


1 Dozen Red Roses

1 Dozen Red Roses

The classic! 12 red roses with fresh greenery.


Single Rose

Single Rose

The classic! 1 rose wrapped a tied with a bow.



Delicious smelling locally made candles

Sage Scented Soy Candle

Sage Scented Soy Candle

freshens up the smell of any room


Season Tulip Bouquet đŸŒ·