Outpost Liquor Store


23988 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada

License #195413

Opens at 9:00 AM

Contactless Recommendations

Skip advises you to present your ID in a way that minimizes person-to-person contact and promotes safety, either by displaying it through a glass door or window, placing it on a surface, or presenting it from a distance.

Import Beer

  • MenuItemImage
    Corona (6 x 330ml)

    (4.5% ABV) Corona is approachable, easy-going, confident, and timeless. The unmistakable colour, the one-of-a-kind taste and the unparalleled flavour...


  • Corona (12 x 330ml)

    (4.5% ABV) Corona is approachable, easy-going, confident, and timeless. The unmistakable colour, the one-of-a-kind taste and the unparalleled flavour...


  • Stella (6 x 330ml)

    (4.8% ABV) The perfect beer to pair with family and friends. Winner of the 2019 World Beer Award for World's Best International Lager. Taste Profile:


  • Stella (12 x 330ml)

    (4.8% ABV) The perfect beer to pair with family and friends. Winner of the 2019 World Beer Award for World's Best International Lager. Taste Profile:


  • Heineken (6 x 330ml)

    (5.0% ABV) For over 150 years, a ceaseless commitment to purity and quality have made Heineken the most iconic beer brand in the world. When you see...


  • Heineken (12 x 330ml)

    (5.0% ABV) For over 150 years, a ceaseless commitment to purity and quality have made Heineken the most iconic beer brand in the world. When you see...


  • Kronenbourg Blanc (6 x 330ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc has subtle aromas and a beautiful haziness. Brewed with a light French touch, 1664 Blanc is a premium French wheat...

    Sold Out

  • Miller Genuine Draft (12 x 330ml)

    (4.6% ABV) Miller Genuine Draft delivers a fresh-from-the-tap taste as a result of the perfect balance of high-quality ingredients and...


  • Guinness (4 x 473ml)

    (4.2% ABV) Rich and creamy. Distinctively black. Velvety in its finish. This iconic beer is defined by harmony. Sip after sip, sweet counters bitter...


  • Guinness (8 x 473ml)

    (4.2% ABV) Rich and creamy. Distinctively black. Velvety in its finish. This iconic beer is defined by harmony. Sip after sip, sweet counters bitter...


  • Carlsberg (6 x 330ml)

    (3.8% ABV) At Carlsberg, the pursuit of better beer is in their DNA. More than 100 years after founder J.C. Jacobsen mastered the art of brewing...


  • Peroni (6 x 330ml)

    (5.1% ABV) This beer is brewed with Italian passion and superior ingredients for a uniquely uplifting taste. We describe Peroni Nastro Azzurro as a...


  • Czechvar Lager (6 x 330ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Brewed using whole-cone Saaz hops from Žatec, pristine water from an Ice Age aquifer, Moravian malting barley and a heritage lager yeast,


  • Sapporo (4 x 473ml)

    (4.9% ABV) The original. The icon. Sapporo Premium Beer is a refreshing lager with a crisp, refined flavour and a clean finish. The perfect beer to...

    Sold Out

  • Michelob Ultra (15 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Containing 90 calories, 3 grams of carbs and 0 grams of sugar per 355 ml serving, Michelob Ultra is a light lager brewed with the perfect...



Craft Beer

  • Phillips Blue Buck (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Pouring a light amber colour with a straw head, soft aromas of citrus and hints of pine lead to a robust malt flavour accented with...


  • Driftwood Fat Tug (6 x 355ml)

    (7.0% ABV) Brewed with the hop aficionado in mind, Fat Tug is a Northwest-style India Pale Ale with an intense hop profile featuring notes of...


  • Driftwood Swash Box (8 x 473ml)

    (6.5% ABV) Swash / swösh (verb): The rush of sea water up the beach after the breaking wave. Revealed in the swash are treats that are a little bit...


  • Red Truck Lager (8 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) This traditional European-style lager is made with all Canadian malts and Saaz hops, a classic "noble" aroma hop with longstanding...


  • Red Truck IPA (8 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Crystal malts balanced with a truckload of hops bring you a toffee malty sweetness with a dry fresh finish. This IPA will stand up to even...


  • Steamworks Mash-Up (8 x 473ml)

    (7.0% ABV) Steamworks' original Mash-Up brings four of their tried and true steam brews together in one convenient 8 pack. From hazy and hoppy, to...


  • Steamworks Flag Ship (8 x 355ml)

    (6.9% ABV) This award-winning hazy IPA was one of the first of its kind to be released in the BC market. Since then, the style has exploded and grown...


  • Steamworks Pale Ale (8 x 355ml)

    (5.2% ABV) Years ago, the battle against big beer began with well-hopped, North West style pale ales. This beer is still out there, fighting the good...


  • Moosehead (15 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Moosehead Lager is a refreshing, light-bodied golden lager made by Moosehead Breweries. This premium lager walks a delicate balance...


  • Okanagan Springs Pale Ale (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) In the OK, we like things with a bit of bite, and our Pale Ale's no different. Not too bitter, just smooth enough, with a nice amber...


  • Parallel 49 Unparalleled Mix (8 x 473ml)

    (5.8% ABV) A mixer pack like no other, Parallel 49's Unparalleled Pack boasts the perfect pairing of light yet hoppy Jerkface 9000 Wheat Ale and...

    Sold Out

  • Twin Sales Dat Juice (4 x 473ml)

    (5.2% ABV) Dat Juice is an unfiltered pale ale brewed with large amounts of flaked and malted wheat, then heavily dry-hopped with 100% Citra hops. It...


  • Yellow Dog High 5 Hazy IPA (4 x 473ml)

    (7.0% ABV) A hazy, crazy, tropical fruit explosion! Slightly cloudy in look with a super soft mouthfeel, this beer is then loaded with a plethora of...


  • Yellow Dog Chase My Tail Pale Ale (4 x 473ml)

    (5.2% ABV) A balanced and highly drinkable adult beverage that dreams are made of! Chase My Tail pours rich burnt orange in colour, while the...


  • Yellow Dog Play Dead IPA (4 x 473ml)

    (6.8% ABV) A delicious treat that will have you doing tricks! This carefully crafted hop potion provides a tropical fruit kick, with a strong...


  • Stanley Park IPA (6 x 355ml)

    (6.8% ABV) Full-bodied, aromatic and juicy. Our delicious Trail Hopper IPA gets its bold flavour from generous additions of Citra and Simcoe hops.


Domestic Beer

  • MenuItemImage
    Budweiser (8 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Budweiser has been brewed in Canada since 1980. Brewed using only the finest ingredients and Budweiser's exclusive Beechwood aging...


  • Budweiser (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Budweiser has been brewed in Canada since 1980. Brewed using only the finest ingredients and Budweiser's exclusive Beechwood aging...


  • Budweiser (15 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Budweiser has been brewed in Canada since 1980. Brewed using only the finest ingredients and Budweiser's exclusive Beechwood aging...


  • Budweiser (24 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Budweiser has been brewed in Canada since 1980. Brewed using only the finest ingredients and Budweiser's exclusive Beechwood aging...


  • Bud Light (8 x 355ml)

    (4.2% ABV) Bud Light is a light lager renowned for its refreshingly crisp taste and fast finish. Bud Light is brewed with barley, hops, water and...


  • Bud Light (12 x 355ml)

    (4.2% ABV) Bud Light is a light lager renowned for its refreshingly crisp taste and fast finish. Bud Light is brewed with barley, hops, water and...


  • Bud Light (15 x 355ml)

    (4.2% ABV) Bud Light is a light lager renowned for its refreshingly crisp taste and fast finish. Bud Light is brewed with barley, hops, water and...


  • Bud Light (24 x 355ml)

    (4.2% ABV) Bud Light is a light lager renowned for its refreshingly crisp taste and fast finish. Bud Light is brewed with barley, hops, water and...


  • Molson Canadian (8 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Brewed with Canadian water, prairie barley and no preservatives, this lager is as clean, crisp and fresh as the country it comes from.


  • Molson Canadian (15 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Brewed with Canadian water, prairie barley and no preservatives, this lager is as clean, crisp and fresh as the country it comes from.


  • Molson Canadian (24 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Brewed with Canadian water, prairie barley and no preservatives, this lager is as clean, crisp and fresh as the country it comes from.


  • Molson Ultra (15 x 355ml)

    (3.0% ABV) Molson Ultra is brewed to 70 calories and 2 grams of carbs. At 3% ABV, this clean, light, refreshing beer uses the best this land has to...


  • Coors Light (8 x 355ml)

    (4.2% ABV) Coors Light is lagered, filtered and packaged cold to ensure that every Coors Light is as refreshing and crisp as the Rockies themselves.


  • Coors Light (15 x 355ml)

    (4.2% ABV) Coors Light is lagered, filtered and packaged cold to ensure that every Coors Light is as refreshing and crisp as the Rockies themselves.


  • Coors Light (24 x 355ml)

    (4.2% ABV) Coors Light is lagered, filtered and packaged cold to ensure that every Coors Light is as refreshing and crisp as the Rockies themselves.


  • Coors Original (8 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Coors Original is a sessionable golden lager with an inviting aroma of freshly baked bread and understated hints of banana and pear. Its...


  • Coors Original (15 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Coors Original is a sessionable golden lager with an inviting aroma of freshly baked bread and understated hints of banana and pear. Its...


  • Coors Original (24 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Coors Original is a sessionable golden lager with an inviting aroma of freshly baked bread and understated hints of banana and pear. Its...


  • Kokanee (8 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Kokanee is a Canadian lager that provides a clean refreshing taste experience, with a very smooth finish.


  • Kokanee (15 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Kokanee is a Canadian lager that provides a clean refreshing taste experience, with a very smooth finish.


  • Kokanee (24 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Kokanee is a Canadian lager that provides a clean refreshing taste experience, with a very smooth finish.


  • Sleeman Honey Brown (6 x 330ml)

    (5.2% ABV) Honey Brown Lager boasts a rich copper with a creamy, off-white foam, creating a full-bodied lager with a touch of natural honey and a...

    Sold Out

  • Sleeman Honey Brown (12 x 355ml)

    (5.2% ABV) Honey Brown Lager boasts a rich copper with a creamy, off-white foam, creating a full-bodied lager with a touch of natural honey and a...


  • Sleeman Original (8 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) With its golden colour and concentrated white foam collar, Original Draught is well balanced and easy to drink. Brewed using two-row...


  • Sleeman Original (15 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) With its golden colour and concentrated white foam collar, Original Draught is well balanced and easy to drink. Brewed using two-row...


  • Sleeman Original (24 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) With its golden colour and concentrated white foam collar, Original Draught is well balanced and easy to drink. Brewed using two-row...


  • Sleeman Clear (8 x 355ml)

    (2.0% ABV) Sleeman Clear 2.0 is a light, easy-to-drink lager with only 80 calories and 2 grams of carbs per 355 ml serving. It has a light straw...


  • Sleeman Clear (15 x 355ml)

    (2.0% ABV) Sleeman Clear 2.0 is a light, easy-to-drink lager with only 80 calories and 2 grams of carbs per 355 ml serving. It has a light straw...


  • Sleeman Clear (24 x 355ml)

    (2.0% ABV) Sleeman Clear 2.0 is a light, easy-to-drink lager with only 80 calories and 2 grams of carbs per 355 ml serving. It has a light straw...


  • Bud Light Lime (12 x 354ml)

    (4.2% ABV) American Style light flavoured lager. Delicate malt sweetness with a crisp, clean finish and the taste of fresh squeezed lime for ultimate...

    Sold Out

Value Beer

  • Cariboo (12 x 355ml)

    (5.5% ABV) Well-balanced draft beer: Clean consistent low hop beer that is slightly malty with a golden colour.


  • Cariboo (15 x 355ml)

    (5.5% ABV) Well-balanced draft beer: Clean consistent low hop beer that is slightly malty with a golden colour.


  • Cariboo Malt (15 x 355ml)

    (8.0% ABV) In the red corner, weighing in at 8% ABV, we present: Cariboo Malt Liquor! This heavyweight beer hails from Northern British Columbia and...


  • Old Milwaukee (6 x 355ml)

    (4.9% ABV) Old Milwaukee offers a beer that is crisp, clean and made for easy-drinking. For a great beer at a great price, it doesn't get any better...


  • Old Milwaukee (8 x 355ml)

    (4.9% ABV) Old Milwaukee offers a beer that is crisp, clean and made for easy-drinking. For a great beer at a great price, it doesn't get any better...


  • Old Milwaukee (15 x 355ml)

    (4.9% ABV) Old Milwaukee offers a beer that is crisp, clean and made for easy-drinking. For a great beer at a great price, it doesn't get any better...


  • Colt 45 (6 x 355ml)

    (5.6% ABV) A well recognized and popular malt liquor brand throughout North America. Colt 45 has a distinctive taste profile that starts off crisp...


  • Sneaky Weasel (8 x 355ml)

    (5.6% ABV) This mildly hopped craft lager delivers a bold 5.6% ABV, but goes down crisp and clean. It pairs well with game day celebrations, fun in...


  • Sneaky Weasel (15 x 355ml)

    (5.6% ABV) This mildly hopped craft lager delivers a bold 5.6% ABV, but goes down crisp and clean. It pairs well with game day celebrations, fun in...


  • Busch (15 x 355ml)

    (4.1% ABV) Busch Beer is made with the finest ingredients, including a blend of premium hops, exceptional barley malt, fine grains and crisp water.


  • Lucky Lager (15 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Lucky Lager was introduced to beer drinkers in 1934. The name Lucky was selected from a name-search contest. Fully fermented, Lucky Lager...


  • Pabst Blue Ribbon (8 x 355ml)

    (4.8% ABV) The Original Pabst Blue Ribbon beer uses the choicest of nature's products to provide its prized flavour. The original smoothness goes...


  • Pabst Blue Ribbon (15 x 355ml)

    (4.8% ABV) The Original Pabst Blue Ribbon beer uses the choicest of nature's products to provide its prized flavour. The original smoothness goes...


  • Pabst Blue Ribbon (24 x 355ml)

    (4.8% ABV) The Original Pabst Blue Ribbon beer uses the choicest of nature's products to provide its prized flavour. The original smoothness goes...


  • Rainier (15 x 355ml)

    (4.7% ABV) Rainier Beer brings together nature's bounty from the great Northwest. Golden barley was used to produce a beer rich in taste and texture.


  • Old Style Pilsner (8 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Staying true to its Western Canada roots, Old Style Pilsner is a well-balanced, clean, crisp lager beer with medium body, a smooth palate...


  • Old Style Pilsner (15 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Staying true to its Western Canada roots, Old Style Pilsner is a well-balanced, clean, crisp lager beer with medium body, a smooth palate...


  • Old Style Pilsner (24 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Staying true to its Western Canada roots, Old Style Pilsner is a well-balanced, clean, crisp lager beer with medium body, a smooth palate...




  • Growers Peach Cider (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) This lush cider is both juicy and succulent, boasting deliciously ripe peach aromas and flavours. Made with 100% BC apples.

    Sold Out

  • Growers Pear Cider (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Ripe and juicy, this easy-drinking pear cider is both delicious and refreshing, boasting succulent ochard fruit aromas and flavours. Made...


  • Growers Stone Fruit (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) One of Canada's original cider producers, Grower's uses 100% Canadian apples and all-natural fruit flavours. The Harvest Stone Fruit is...


  • Growers Extra Dry Apple Cider (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Tart and refreshing, this crisp apple cider is bursting with bold and refreshing orchard aromas and flavours. Made with 100% BC apples.

    Sold Out

  • Okanagan Apple Cider (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Crisp apple cider that is a delicious combination of sweet and tart apple flavours. This cider beverage is exceedingly clean and crisp...


  • Okanagan Pear Cider (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) This bold cider beverage is made with apples sourced from the lush Okanagan Valley. A delicious blend with the refreshing taste of pear.


  • Okanagan Black Cherry Cider (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) This bold cider beverage is made with apples sourced from the lush Okanagan Valley. A delicious blend with the refreshing taste of black...


  • Okanagan Ginger Apple (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) This unique cider blends the refreshing taste of Okanagan apples with just the right amount of natural ginger flavour for a distinctive...


  • Lonetree Cider (6 x 355ml)

    (5.5% ABV) Lonetree is a 100% Canadian-owned company, making cider the old-fashioned way. Their authentic dry ciders are crisp, natural and real—from...


  • Lonetree Ginger Apple (6 x 355ml)

    (5.5% ABV) Lonetree is a 100% Canadian-owned company, making cider the old-fashioned way. Their authentic dry ciders are crisp, natural and real—from...


  • Strongbow (4 x 500ml)

    (5.0% ABV) From the orchard to the glass, Strongbow is inspired by the power of nature to deliver the golden, crisp dry refreshment in every drop of...


  • Bumper Crop Pear (6 x 355ml)

    (7.0% ABV) Mountain Pear is bursting with the juiciness of Okanagan Pears, blended with traditional apple cider, for mouth-watering freshness.


  • Bumper Crop Mixer (12 x 355ml)

    (7.0% ABV) The Bumper Crop BC Craft Cider Craft Pack features the Mountain Pear, Crisp Apple, Stonefruit and Black Cherry flavours.


  • Somersby Mixer (8 x 473ml)

    (4.05% ABV) This Somersby Mixed Pack contains four great flavours; enough fruity goodness to please many palates




  • Hey Yall Iced Tea (6 x 341ml)

    (5.0% ABV) In the South, the tea is always served iced and hard. Brewed with genuine black tea and lightly sweetened. For summer barbecues and front...


  • Hey Yall Iced Tea (12 x 341ml)

    (5.0% ABV) In the South, the tea is always served iced and hard. Brewed with genuine black tea and lightly sweetened. For summer barbecues and front...


  • Hey Yall Peach Tea (6 x 341ml)

    (5.0% ABV) The original recipe has just been kissed by a fresh Georgia Peach. Perfect for picnics & tailgate parties!


  • Hey Yall Mixer Pack (12 x 341ml)

    (5.0% ABV) In the South, the tea is always served iced and hard. Brewed with genuine black tea and lightly sweetened. For summer barbecues and front...


  • Motts Caesar (6 x 355ml)

    (5.5% ABV) Cheersed across the country, this is the Mott's Clamato that started it all. Pair this Original flavour with a classic activity by hosting...


  • Nude Black Cherry (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Canada's original white can. Each serving has 100 calories, no carbs, zero-sugar and zero-sweeteners. All Nude products are made with a...


  • Nude Lime (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Canada's original white can. Each serving has 100 calories, no carbs, zero-sugar and zero-sweeteners. All Nude products are made with a...


  • Nude Raspberry Lemon (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Canada's original white can. Each serving has 100 calories, no carbs, zero-sugar and zero-sweeteners. All Nude products are made with a...


  • Nude Mixer Pack (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Canada's original white can. Each serving has 100 calories, no carbs, zero-sugar and zero-sweeteners. All Nude products are made with a...


  • Nude V2 Mix Pack (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Canada's original white can. Each serving has 100 calories, no carbs, zero-sugar and zero-sweeteners. All Nude products are made with a...


  • Nutrl 7 Blackberry (6 x 355ml)

    (7.0% ABV) A bit more vodka. Bolder flavours. Still No carbs. No sweetener. No Sugar. No preservatives. No additives. Only 135 calories per 355 ml...


  • Nutrl Lemon (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Nütrl Vodka Soda is a wildly light, easy drinking, totally refreshing, sugar-free, additive-free, 5% ABV, ready to drink, premium craft...


  • Nutrl Mixer Pack (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Nütrl Vodka Soda is a wildly light, easy drinking, totally refreshing, sugar-free, additive-free, 5% ABV, ready to drink, premium craft...


  • White Claw Lime (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Crafted with quality ingredients, White Claw Hard Seltzer is made from a blend of seltzer water, an alcohol base and a hint of fruit...


  • White Claw Raspberry (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Crafted with quality ingredients, White Claw Hard Seltzer is made from a blend of seltzer water, an alcohol base and a hint of fruit...


  • White Claw Black Cherry (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Crafted with quality ingredients, White Claw Hard Seltzer is made from a blend of seltzer water, an alcohol base and a hint of fruit...


  • White Claw Mix Pack (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Crafted with quality ingredients, White Claw Hard Seltzer is made from a blend of seltzer water, an alcohol base and a hint of fruit...


  • Bacardi Breezer Tropical Orange (6 x 355ml)

    (4.0% ABV) Reminiscent of orange creamsicles, the Tropical Orange Smoothie delivers flavours of sweet candied orange, creamy vanilla and a hint of...


  • Strait & Narrow Discovery (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) The Strait & Narrow Discovery Pack features the Pear Rhubarb, Grapefruit Rosemary and Lemon Lavender flavours, each made with a custom...


  • Smirnoff Ice (4 x 330ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Meet the icy, cold, ready to drink Smirnoff Ice. Smirnoff Ice is famous for its taste and flavour. When you've got no time to mix, shake...


  • Smirnoff Ice Party Pack (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) This exciting Smirnoff Ice Life of the Party Pack has a vibrant mix of four flavours in retro, nostalgic packaging. You'll get 3 355 mL...


  • Remix Soda Variety (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Flavoured Vodka Soda That’s Perfect For Your Lifestyle, From The Patio To The Dance Floor, To Hanging Out With Friends. REMIX Vodka Sodas...


  • Palm Bay Spritz Grapefruit (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Exploding with the juicy flavour of ruby grapefruit, this delicious blend is refreshingly light with a crisp, clean finish.

    Sold Out

  • Palm Bay Spritz Mixer (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Enjoy this mixed pack of your favourite palm bay coolers. Flavours include pineapple mandarin, ruby grapefruit, key lime cherry and white...


  • Muddlers Moscow Mule (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Packed with real ginger, all you need is a copper cup! This is a most delicious and convenient take on the classic cocktail. This vodka...


  • Muddlers Pink Lemon (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Bright pink and ready to drink. Muddlers starts with fresh-pressed lemon juice mixed with real cranberry juice to give it its distinctive,


  • Mikes Lemonade (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) The original hard lemonade and the iconic flavour of Mike's.


  • Ole Tequila (8 x 355ml)

    (5.2% ABV) Canada's first tequila variety pack featuring four delicious premium cocktails: Margarita, Paloma, Chili Mango and Tequila Sunrise.


  • Twisted Tea (6 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Original. OG. King of Hard Teas (you said it, not us). This is the one that got it started. Made from real brewed tea and natural lemon...


  • Twisted Tea (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Original. OG. King of Hard Teas (you said it, not us). This is the one that got it started. Made from real brewed tea and natural lemon...


  • Tempo Gin Smash Pack (12 x 355ml)

    (5.0% ABV) Gin blended with delicious fruit flavours, carbonated water, and a touch of sweetness. Tempo Gin Smashes are easy-drinking, refreshing gin...


  • Whiteclaw Surge Mixer (12 x 355ml)

    (7.0% ABV) Crafted with quality ingredients, White Claw Hard Seltzer is made from a blend of seltzer water, an alcohol base and a hint of fruit...


  • Pabst Iced Tea (12 x 355ml)

    (5.9% ABV) New Pabst Groovy Lemon Strong Iced Tea is a bold combination of classic lemon iced tea flavour, with an extra 5.9% kick of alcohol.


Red Wine

  • Diabolica Red (1 x 750ml)

    (14.0% ABV) A top-seller with customers, that like the fruity red and black fruit flavours and smooth tannins. A blend of Merlot, Petit Verdot and...


  • Yellow Tail Shiraz (1 x 750ml)

    (13.5% ABV) This Shiraz is everything a great wine should be – vibrant, smooth, rich and easy to drink. Crushed red berries, sweet spice and cedar...


  • Apothic Red Blend (1 x 750ml)

    (13.1% ABV) Bold flavours of dark fruit and spice from the Zinfandel, complemented by the soft mouthfeel and black fruits from Merlot, layered with...


  • Apothic Cabernet Sauvignon (1 x 750ml)

    (13.5% ABV) Apothic Cab offers the big presence of a classic Cab with a silky touch. Signature layers of blackberry compote and blackcurrant wrap...


  • Bodacious Smooth Red (1 x 750ml)

    (12.5% ABV) A bold, ripe, juicy and full-bodied red that is a blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Rich flavours and aromas of blueberries and...


  • Bodacious Smooth Red (1 x 1.5L)

    (12.5% ABV) A bold, ripe, juicy and full-bodied red that is a blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Rich flavours and aromas of blueberries and...


  • Copper Moon Cabernet Sauvignon (1 x 750ml)

    (13.0% ABV) Garnet colour with a bouquet of red berries, cherry, spice and a touch of smoke. Copper Moon Cabernet Sauvignon is a medium-bodied wine...


  • Jackson Triggs Cabernet Sauvignon (1 x 750ml)

    (12.5% ABV) Deep ruby; aromas of raspberry, cherry, blackberry, casis and pepper; medium sweetness and medium body with flavours of soft red fruit...


  • Jackson Triggs Cabernet Sauvignon (1 x 1.5L)

    (12.5% ABV) Deep ruby; aromas of raspberry, cherry, blackberry, casis and pepper; medium sweetness and medium body with flavours of soft red fruit...


  • Jackson Triggs Cabernet Sauvignon (1 x 4L)

    (12.5% ABV) Deep ruby; aromas of raspberry, cherry, blackberry, casis and pepper; medium sweetness and medium body with flavours of soft red fruit...


  • Jackson Triggs Smooth Red (1 x 1.5L)

    (12.5% ABV) Black cherry and raspberry with a smooth plush finish.


  • J Lohr Cabernet Sauvignon (1 x 750ml)

    (13.9% ABV) For an affordable wine that's available almost everywhere in the country, this bottling is hard to beat. Fresh aromas of black currant,


  • Screw It! Shiraz (1 x 750ml)

    (12.5% ABV) Vibrant raspberry and black currant flavours combine with a subtle hint of spice for a smooth finish.


  • Gato Negro Cabernet Sauvignon (1 x 750ml)

    (13.0% ABV) Dark ruby colour. Very intense Cab, full red fruit aromas, berries, cherry, cassis perfectly mixed with sweet vanilla and coconuts notes.


  • Gato Negro Cabernet Sauvignon (1 x 1.5L)

    (13.0% ABV) Dark ruby colour. Very intense Cab, full red fruit aromas, berries, cherry, cassis perfectly mixed with sweet vanilla and coconuts notes.


  • Josh Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon (1 x 750ml)

    (13.5% ABV) One of the hottest brands in the USA right now is Josh with their Cabernet Sauvignon being the driver in a bold expressive taste profile...


  • Cono Sur Organic Cabernet Sauvignon Carmenere Syrah (1 x 750ml)

    (13.5% ABV) Notes of black fruit, sage and smoke on the nose. It's full-bodied with firm, powdery tannins. Mineral and savory in the mouth with smoky...


  • See Ya Later Pinot Noir (1 x 750ml)

    (14.1% ABV) Fresh and stewed strawberries, sour cherries, and rich, smoky, toasted oak on the nose. The palate is alive with vibrant red fruits and a...


  • Road 13 Honest John's Red (1 x 750ml)

    (13.9% ABV) The Honest John’s Red has flavours of cherry, blueberry, and cracked pepper, along with delicate notes of vanilla, clove, and orange...


  • 19 Crimes Snoop Dogg California Red (1 x 750ml)

    (14.1% ABV) 19 Crimes is defiant by nature, bold in character and always uncompromising. We are proud to partner with entertainment icon, Snoop Dogg,


  • 7 Deadly Zins Zinfandel (1 x 750ml)

    (15.0% ABV) Sinful indeed, the 7 Deadly Zins Old Vine Zinfandel is full-bodied and seductive. Heaps of jammy berry fruit are followed by aromas of...


  • Oyster Bay Pinot Noir (1 x 750ml)

    (14.0% ABV) Oyster Bay Marlborough is an elegant, cool-climate Pinot Noir at its best. Floral and cherry, with juicy, black plum and violet nuances...


  • Roscato Rosso Dolce (1 x 750ml)

    (7.0% ABV) Intense aromas of blackberries and ripe wild berries. Fresh, lively and frizzante with a soft lingering finish. Roscato Rosso Dolce is an...


  • Donini Merlot (1 x 1L)

    (11.1% ABV) A great red Italian table wine with plumy jam aromas and ripe berry flavours on the palate. Matches well with grilled or BBQ red meat,


White Wine

  • MenuItemImage
    Barefoot Moscato (1 x 750ml)

    (9.0% ABV) Barefoot Moscato combines the crisp, refreshing fruity aromas of juicy peaches and sweet apricots. It finishes with a tantalizing twist of...


  • Bodacious Smooth White (1 x 750ml)

    (12.5% ABV) Rich, crisp and fruit-forward, Bodacious Smooth White is blend of Sauvignon Blanc and Moscato that opens up with aromas of tropical...


  • Hardys Riesling Gewürztraminer (1 x 750ml)

    (11.0% ABV) The Stamp Riesling Gewürztraminer is a medium-bodied wine releasing aromatic citrus, delicate tropical notes and a crisp, clean finish. A...


  • Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc (1 x 750ml)

    (12.5% ABV) A fresh, juicy wine with vibrant acidity and plenty of weight and length on the palate. Ripe, tropical fruit flavour with passion fruit,


  • Sawmill Dry White (1 x 750ml)

    (11.5% ABV) Smooth and medium-bodied with green apple notes and light oak.


  • Sawmill Dry White (1 x 4L)

    (11.5% ABV) Smooth and medium-bodied with green apple notes and light oak.


  • Screw It! Pinot Grigio (1 x 750ml)

    (12.5% ABV) Plump peach and citrus aromas, blend to create this light and crisp Pinot Grigio with a refreshing finish.


  • Coppermoon Pinot Grigio (1 x 750ml)

    (12.0% ABV) Aromas of citrus, green apple and pear combined with refreshing flavors of citrus and melon.


  • Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc (1 x 750ml)

    (13.0% ABV) Classic New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc with passion fruit and tropical fruit flavours with a perfumed bouquet and refined elegance. The...


  • Oyster Bay Chardonnay (1 x 750ml)

    (13.0% ABV) Subtly oaky, this classic Chardonnay features solid fruit character. Its fragrant, white peach aromas on the nose are followed by tastes...


  • Oyster Bay Pinot Grigio (1 x 750ml)

    (13.0% ABV) New Zealand Pinot Grigio is a refreshing wine for summer menus. Look for apple and plum and citrus hints with good acidity to go with...


  • Chaberton Bacchus (1 x 750ml)

    (12.3% ABV) Key lime, ripe peach & fresh pear round out the beautifully soft flavours. The sweet citrus notes build on the fresh acidity, bringing...


  • Naked Grape Pinot Grigio (1 x 1.5L)

    (12.5% ABV) A crisp, fruit-driven wine with citrus flavours.


  • Jackson Triggs Sauvignon Blanc (1 x 750ml)

    (12.5% ABV) Crisp with notes of refreshing lemon, lime, and tangerine.


  • Jackson Triggs Sauvignon Blanc (1 x 1.5L)

    (12.5% ABV) Crisp with notes of refreshing lemon, lime, and tangerine.


  • Jackson Triggs Chardonnay (1 x 750ml)

    (12.5% ABV) Full flavoured with aromas of apple, pear, and freshly-churned butter.


  • Jacobs Creek Moscato (1 x 750ml)

    (7.6% ABV) This sweet wine has an attractive nose of tropical fruits and white peach aromas with undertones of honeysuckle and lemon, a fantastic...


  • Domaine D'or White (1 x 1.5L)

    (11.5% ABV) Pale lemon colour with aromas of ripe apple and pear complemented by floral notes.


Rose and Bubbles

  • MenuItemImage
    Barefoot Pink Moscato (1 x 750ml)

    (9.0% ABV) Barefoot Pink Moscato is packed with the full flavours of juicy cherries, tart raspberries and sweet pomegranates. It finishes with hints...


  • Corbett Canyon Rose (1 x 1.5L)

    (13.0% ABV) Refreshing with classic ripe strawberry and raspberry notes.


  • Villa Teresa Prosecco (1 x 750ml)

    (11.0% ABV) Organic, delicious and a fantastic value year after year, this Prosecco has aromas of apple pie, ripe pear, peach blossom and honey with...


  • Lamarca Prosecco (1 x 750ml)

    (11.0% ABV) The delicate La Marca Prosecco has a pale, golden straw color and sparkles with lively effervescence. Opening with aromas of fresh-picked...


  • Lamarca Rose Prosecco (1 x 750ml)

    (11.0% ABV) Offering the bright, crisp fruit and floral essence of traditional Prosecco with the delicate elegance of Pinot Noir, La Marca Prosecco...


  • Freixenet Brut (1 x 750ml)

    (11.0% ABV) Cordon Negro Brut is a crisp, clean and well-balanced Cava sparkling wine. The fresh palate of apple, ripe pear and bright citrus...


  • Bask Crisp Rose (1 x 750ml)

    (12.0% ABV) Just BASK in 0g sugar per serving. BASK gives you one less thing to worry about, so you can zero in on the moment and savour every...


  • Jacobs Creek Moscato Rose (1 x 750ml)

    (7.6% ABV) Fresh, fragrant raspberry and strawberry aromas with hints of pear. Light and refreshing on the palate with red summer berry flavours,


  • Saintly Rose (1 x 750ml)

    (12.5% ABV) A vibrant, refreshing rosé with aromas and flavours of strawberry, grapefruit and lime, as well as subtle floral notes. The palate has...


  • Henkell (1 x 750ml)

    (11.0% ABV) Bright yellow bubbles rise to the top bursting in an expression of celebration. It's a light-bodied sparkling with soft floral and fruit...


  • Yellow Tail Bubbles (1 x 750ml)

    (12.0% ABV) Bubbles pops with citrus flavours and a fresh, creamy finish. Flavours of tropical fruits combine perfectly with medium sweetness and a...



  • MenuItemImage
    Pink Whitney Vodka (1 x 750ml)

    (30.0% ABV) The Spittin' Chiclets crew has taken over New Amsterdam Vodka to create a spirit inspired by Ryan Whitney's favourite drink: a mix of...


  • Absolut Vodka (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Absolut Vodka is a Swedish vodka made exclusively from natural ingredients, and unlike some other vodkas, it does not contain any added...


  • Smirnoff Vodka (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka is the World's No. 1 Vodka. This award-winning vodka has robust flavour with a dry finish for ultimate smoothness...


  • Smirnoff Vodka (1 x 1.14L)

    (40.0% ABV) Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka is the World's No. 1 Vodka. This award-winning vodka has robust flavour with a dry finish for ultimate smoothness...

    Sold Out

  • Smirnoff Vodka (1 x 1.75L)

    (40.0% ABV) Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka is the World's No. 1 Vodka. This award-winning vodka has robust flavour with a dry finish for ultimate smoothness...


  • Smirnoff Vodka Raspberry (1 x 750ml)

    (35.0% ABV) Smirnoff Raspberry is rich and robust. This spirit is infused with natural raspberry flavour for a tart and fruity finish. It pairs best...


  • Stoli Vodka (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Stoli is a classically styled, exceptionally smooth vodka. Crystal-clear in colour with marshmallow, mineral and mild fruit peel aromas.


  • Stoli Vodka (1 x 1.14L)

    (40.0% ABV) Stoli is a classically styled, exceptionally smooth vodka. Crystal-clear in colour with marshmallow, mineral and mild fruit peel aromas.


  • Stoli Vodka (1 x 1.75L)

    (40.0% ABV) Stoli is a classically styled, exceptionally smooth vodka. Crystal-clear in colour with marshmallow, mineral and mild fruit peel aromas.


  • Grey Goose Vodka (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Grey Goose is the result of an absolute determination to create a French vodka unlike any other. Expressed in Grey Goose bottle is the...


  • Polar Ice Vodka (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) 95 Points, International Wine & Spirit Competition 2022: "Mineral notes on the nose with a touch of toffee, vanilla and caramel.


  • Tito's Vodka (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Made from 100% corn, this water-white vodka from Texas features clean and elegant aromas with a hint of sweet corn. Distilled six times...


  • Ketel One Vodka (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Using carefully selected European wheat and a combination of modern and traditional distilling techniques, Ketel One produces an...


  • Bacardi White Rum (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Aged for a minimum of 1 year in charred American oak this classic bar essential offers subtle aromas with hints of citrus, vanilla and...


  • Bacardi White Rum (1 x 1.14L)

    (40.0% ABV) Aged for a minimum of 1 year in charred American oak this classic bar essential offers subtle aromas with hints of citrus, vanilla and...


  • Bacardi White Rum (1 x 1.75L)

    (40.0% ABV) Aged for a minimum of 1 year in charred American oak this classic bar essential offers subtle aromas with hints of citrus, vanilla and...


  • Bacardi Gold Rum (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) A light golden rum with a soft oak flavour. Notes of dry vanilla, ginger root, and toasted almond provide a dry and slightly sweet...


  • Kraken Spiced Rum (1 x 750ml)

    (47.0% ABV) The Kraken is a unique Caribbean black spiced rum weighing in at 94-proof. It is distilled in Trinidad and Tobago and enriched with an...


  • Malibu Rum (1 x 750ml)

    (21.0% ABV) One of the world's leading flavoured spirits, Malibu is the refreshing taste of summer. The original coconut-flavoured rum is a staple in...


  • Captain Morgan Spiced Rum (1 x 750ml)

    (35.0% ABV) Smooth and medium-bodied, this spiced rum is a secret blend of Caribbean rums. Its subtle notes of vanilla and caramel give classic rum...


  • Captain Morgan Spiced Rum (1 x 1.14L)

    (35.0% ABV) Smooth and medium-bodied, this spiced rum is a secret blend of Caribbean rums. Its subtle notes of vanilla and caramel give classic rum...


  • Captain Morgan Spiced Rum (1 x 1.75L)

    (35.0% ABV) Smooth and medium-bodied, this spiced rum is a secret blend of Caribbean rums. Its subtle notes of vanilla and caramel give classic rum...


  • Appleton Estate Rum (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Extraordinarily aromatic, with notes of overripe banana, green papaya, molasses, toasted almond, and fermented mango. The palate offers...


  • Sailor Jerry (1 x 750ml)

    (46.0% ABV) Crafted after intensive research into historical maritime rums, Sailor Jerry has developed a smooth rum with a rich flavour. The result...


  • Sailor Jerry (1 x 1.14L)

    (46.0% ABV) Crafted after intensive research into historical maritime rums, Sailor Jerry has developed a smooth rum with a rich flavour. The result...


  • Crown Royal (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) The first exquisite blend of Crown Royal Canadian whisky was meticulously crafted from 50 select whiskies, dressed in the finest cut...


  • Crown Royal (1 x 1.14L)

    (40.0% ABV) The first exquisite blend of Crown Royal Canadian whisky was meticulously crafted from 50 select whiskies, dressed in the finest cut...

    Sold Out

  • Crown Royal (1 x 1.75L)

    (40.0% ABV) The first exquisite blend of Crown Royal Canadian whisky was meticulously crafted from 50 select whiskies, dressed in the finest cut...


  • Jameson Irish Whiskey (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Unlike most whiskies, Jameson is distilled three times to deliver exceptional smoothness. It is this triple distillation that makes...


  • Wiser's Special Blend (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) A smooth mellow Canadian whisky that reveals a deep gold colour and suggests a hint of spice, vanilla and oak. Its subtle sweetness...


  • Wiser's Special Blend (1 x 1.14L)

    (40.0% ABV) A smooth mellow Canadian whisky that reveals a deep gold colour and suggests a hint of spice, vanilla and oak. Its subtle sweetness...


  • Wiser's Deluxe (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) In the mid-1800s J.P. Wiser set out to create a signature whisky and the result is Deluxe, an award-winning golden Canadian rye with...


  • Wiser's Deluxe (1 x 1.14L)

    (40.0% ABV) In the mid-1800s J.P. Wiser set out to create a signature whisky and the result is Deluxe, an award-winning golden Canadian rye with...


  • Fireball (1 x 750ml)

    (33.0% ABV) Rumour has it Fireball was developed in the 1980's after one the coldest winter in Canada. The smooth taste of whisky with a fiery kick...


  • Jack Daniels (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 Tennessee Whiskey is revered internationally as a classic American icon, crafted in Lynchburg, Tennessee at...


  • Forty Creek Whisky (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Double Gold, San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2021. A blend of various grain whiskies aged in a mix of seasoned ex-bourbon barrels...


  • Johnnie Walker Red (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Double Gold, San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2021. Red Label is Johnnie Walker's Pioneer Blend, the one that introduced their...


  • Ballantine's Scotch Whisky (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) 96 Points, International Wine & Spirit Competition 2022: "A delightfully soft, floral and fruity nose with nutty tones. Ably supported by...


  • Bombay Sapphire Gin (1 x 750ml)

    (47.0% ABV) Bombay Sapphire is a world famous gin known for its distinctive blue bottle. Every drop contains 10 hand-selected botanicals from exotic...


  • Bombay Sapphire Gin (1 x 1.14L)

    (47.0% ABV) Bombay Sapphire is a world famous gin known for its distinctive blue bottle. Every drop contains 10 hand-selected botanicals from exotic...


  • Tanqueray Gin (1 x 750ml)

    (47.3% ABV) Fortune favours the brave. Back in the 1830's Charles Tanqueray wasn't afraid to mix his bold ideas. His ingenious pursuit for perfection...


  • Gordon's Gin (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) An undeniable classic that dates back to 1769; Gordon's long history and adherence to tradition has made it a favourite the world over.


  • Hendrick's Gin (1 x 750ml)

    (44.0% ABV) Hendrick's is an unusual gin created from eleven fine botanicals. The curious, yet marvellous, infusions of rose and cucumber imbue this...


  • Driftwood Contact Gin (1 x 750ml)

    (45.0% ABV) Driftwood wanted to create a Citrus gin that would resonate with West Coast consumers and have the familiar Citrus notes you find in Fat...


  • Driftwood Parabola Gin (1 x 750ml)

    (45.0% ABV) Parabola was developed to dive deep into the delicate, floral world of gins. Our distillers recommend enjoying Parabola neat, or with a...


  • Jagermeister (1 x 750ml)

    (35.0% ABV) Every German masterpiece contains equal parts precision and inspiration. Bold, yet balanced, this herbal liqueur is no different.


  • Kahlua (1 x 750ml)

    (20.0% ABV) Originating in Mexico in 1936, Kahlúa is a coffee liqueur loved all around the world. Used in a range of different drinks—from coffees to...


  • St Remy VSOP (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) St-Rémy VSOP embodies the iconic and historical taste of St-Rémy. It is a translation of the original recipe that has made St-Rémy famous...


  • Luxardo Sambuca (1 x 750ml)

    (38.0% ABV) Luxardo Sambuca dei Cesari is a classic Italian liqueur. Star anise, herbs and spices, alcohol, sugar and pure volcanic water from...


  • Glenfiddich 12 Year (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) 95 Points, International Wine & Spirit Competition 2022: "A full and creamy example of Speyside Malt with grassy notes over delicate...


  • Cazadores Reposado (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) The original Tequila Cazadores Reposado (meaning rested) spends up to a year in new American oak barrels creating a perfect balance of...


  • Jose Cuervo Gold (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) Cuervo Gold is a golden-style joven tequila made from a blend of reposado (aged) and younger tequilas. Ever the story-maker, Cuervo...


  • Baileys (1 x 750ml)

    (17.0% ABV) One of life's most pleasurable indulgences, Baileys Original Irish Cream is the sweetest meeting of fine Irish whiskey and spirits, Irish...


  • Carolans (1 x 750ml)

    (17.0% ABV) Double Gold, San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2021. Developed in Ireland in 1978, Carolans has a unique taste profile that has...


  • Gekkeiken Sake (1 x 750ml)

    (15.6% ABV) Gekkeikan Traditional is a classic junmai-style sake. Herbaceous with hints of grapefruit and a light earthiness. Good acidity, mineral...


  • Jinro Green Grape (1 x 360ml)

    (13.0% ABV) Since its launch in 1924, Jinro Soju has consistently held its position as the number one soju brand in Korea. Globally, Jinro Soju has...


  • Jinro Strawberry (1 x 360ml)

    (13.0% ABV) Since its launch in 1924, Jinro Soju has consistently held its position as the number one soju brand in Korea. Globally, Jinro Soju has...


  • Patron Silver (1 x 750ml)

    (40.0% ABV) This perfect white spirit is made from the finest 100% Weber Blue agave, handcrafted in small batches and presented in hand-numbered...




  • Coke (2L)


  • Diet Coke (2L)


  • Canada Dry Ginger Ale (2L)


  • Canada Dry Club Soda (2L)


  • Sprite (2L)


  • Budweiser Zero (355ml) (50 Cal)

    Budweiser's new formulation on an easy drinking zero alcohol American Lager toting smooth Budweiser flavor at only 50 calories!


  • Ocean Spray Cranberry (1.89L)

    Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice
