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Moon's Flowers

Moon's Flowers

107 Dunn St

Floral Disclaimer

Before placing your order, make sure you've entered the correct address and included any relevant delivery instructions. Gift notes can be entered in the Special Instructions section for your item(s). Thanks!

Best Sellers

Love Lane (Standard)

Love Lane (Standard)

Premium Bouquet is shown on the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with Moon's Flowers signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Teddy Bear Hug

Teddy Bear Hug

Sending someone a nice big hug is one of the most touching things you can do. Deluxe Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Princess Bouquet

Princess Bouquet


Rose (6 pcs)

Rose (6 pcs)

Red, White, Pink We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with Moon's Flowerssignature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does NOT come with a vase.


Heart-Shaped Roses Bouquet

Heart-Shaped Roses Bouquet

We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with Moon's Flowers signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


White and Peach Arrangement (Standard)

White and Peach Arrangement (Standard)

Deluxe Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Just Because (Standard)

Just Because (Standard)

Premium Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for ones similar in style, quality, and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Black and White

Black and White


Playa Blanca Rose

Playa Blanca Rose


Red Dozen Rose Bouquet

Red Dozen Rose Bouquet



Bright and Beautiful (Standard)

Bright and Beautiful (Standard)


Bobo Balloon

Bobo Balloon

Unlike helium-filled balloons, the maintenance period of the balloon (air-filled) could be from two weeks to many more months. The length of time until noticeable deflation depends on the altitude, temperature, humidity, and other conditions the balloon is exposed. The size of the balloon arrangement is about 12 inches.


Teddy Bear Balloon (Deluxe)

The flower balloons are made using artificial flowers(top-quality silk flowers). Unlike helium-filled balloons, the maintenance period of the flower balloon bouquet(air-filled) could be from two weeks to many more months. The length of time until noticeable deflation depends on the altitude, temperature, humidity, and other conditions the flower balloon is exposed. The size of the balloon Flower arrangement is about 11 inches wide and 16 inches high.


Flower Balloon Arrangement

Flower Balloon Arrangement

The flower balloons are made using artificial flowers(top-quality silk flowers). Unlike helium-filled balloons, the maintenance period of the flower balloon bouquet(air-filled) could be from two weeks to many more months. The length of time until noticeable deflation depends on the altitude, temperature, humidity, and other conditions the flower balloon is exposed. The size of the balloon Flower arrangement is about 10 inches wide and 14 inches high.


Garden Fresh (Standard)

Garden Fresh (Standard)

Deluxe Arrangement is shown in the photo.


Black and White

Black and White


Orchids in a Boat

Orchids in a Boat


Just Because (Standard)

Just Because (Standard)

Premium Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for ones similar in style, quality, and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Love Lane (Standard)

Love Lane (Standard)

Premium Bouquet is shown on the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with Moon's Flowers signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Dove (Standard)

Dove (Standard)


Soft Peach Arrangement

Soft Peach Arrangement


Designer's Choice - Arrangements

Designer's Choice - Arrangements




Deluxe Bouquet is shown in the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Princess Bouquet

Princess Bouquet


Mini Dried Flowers

Mini Dried Flowers

If you would like to customize the colour, please call us at 905-582-8988 Dried flowers will last many months (even years) if properly cared for. Please store in a cool/dry area (avoid direct sunlight) and do not add water!


Teddy Bear (Medium)

Teddy Bear (Medium)

The size of the teddy bear is Medium -10" Large -14".


Pink Box Flowers (Standard)

Pink Box Flowers (Standard)


Rose in a Vase

Rose in a Vase

Dozen Rose Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


White Vase Arrangement (Standard)

White Vase Arrangement (Standard)


Rose (6 pcs)

Rose (6 pcs)

Red, White, Pink We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with Moon's Flowerssignature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does NOT come with a vase.


Double Orchids

Double Orchids


Sweet Girl (Standard)

Sweet Girl (Standard)


Elegant Lady

Elegant Lady

Deluxe Bouquet is shown in the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Apple White (Standard)

Apple White (Standard)


In The Garden

In The Garden

Deluxe Bouquet is shown in the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Mamma Mia (Standard)

Mamma Mia (Standard)

Deluxe arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Purple and Peach Bouquet (Standard)

Purple and Peach Bouquet (Standard)

Deluxe Bouquet is shown in the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


White and Peach Arrangement (Standard)

White and Peach Arrangement (Standard)

Deluxe Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Baby's Breath Bouquet

Baby's Breath Bouquet


Heart-Shaped Roses Bouquet

Heart-Shaped Roses Bouquet

We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with Moon's Flowers signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Preserved Rose - C

A meaningful and powerful statement, Moon's Flowers handcrafted rose arrangement will have you relishing in a sense of luxury. Whether a gift for a loved one or to be put on display, this is a gorgeous item that will have any bystander entranced by its chic beauty. Featuring a hidden drawer for storing extra surprise gifts, Moon's flower rose arrangement will have you begging for more!


Designer's Choice - Bouquet

Moon's Flowers florists will create and design a unique beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers, based on the price given. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase. Flowers don't look like the photos, they are designed uniquely to your price.



Baby's Breath Bouquet

Baby's Breath Bouquet


Bright and Beautiful (Standard)

Bright and Beautiful (Standard)


Garden Fresh (Standard)

Garden Fresh (Standard)

Deluxe Arrangement is shown in the photo.




Deluxe Bouquet is shown in the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Elegant Lady

Elegant Lady

Deluxe Bouquet is shown in the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Heart-Shaped Roses Bouquet

Heart-Shaped Roses Bouquet

We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with Moon's Flowers signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


In The Garden

In The Garden

Deluxe Bouquet is shown in the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Love Lane (Standard)

Love Lane (Standard)

Premium Bouquet is shown on the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with Moon's Flowers signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Mamma Mia (Standard)

Mamma Mia (Standard)

Deluxe arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Princess Bouquet

Princess Bouquet


Purple and Peach Bouquet (Standard)

Purple and Peach Bouquet (Standard)

Deluxe Bouquet is shown in the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Rose (6 pcs)

Rose (6 pcs)

Red, White, Pink We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with Moon's Flowerssignature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does NOT come with a vase.


Sweet Girl (Standard)

Sweet Girl (Standard)


Playa Blanca Rose

Playa Blanca Rose


Red Roses Bouquet-36


Red Dozen Rose Bouquet

Red Dozen Rose Bouquet


Blue Dozen Rose Bouquet

Blue Dozen Rose Bouquet


Pink Dozen Bouquet

Pink Dozen Bouquet


Designer's Choice - Bouquet

Moon's Flowers florists will create and design a unique beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers, based on the price given. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase. Flowers don't look like the photos, they are designed uniquely to your price.



Apple White (Standard)

Apple White (Standard)


Black and White

Black and White


Designer's Choice - Arrangements

Designer's Choice - Arrangements


Dove (Standard)

Dove (Standard)


Just Because (Standard)

Just Because (Standard)

Premium Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for ones similar in style, quality, and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Pink Box Flowers (Standard)

Pink Box Flowers (Standard)


Rose in a Vase

Rose in a Vase

Dozen Rose Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Soft Peach Arrangement

Soft Peach Arrangement


White and Peach Arrangement (Standard)

White and Peach Arrangement (Standard)

Deluxe Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


White Vase Arrangement (Standard)

White Vase Arrangement (Standard)


Teddy Bear Hug

Teddy Bear Hug

Sending someone a nice big hug is one of the most touching things you can do. Deluxe Arrangement is shown in the photo Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers, it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. It may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed.


Preserved Flowers

Mini Dried Flowers

Mini Dried Flowers

If you would like to customize the colour, please call us at 905-582-8988 Dried flowers will last many months (even years) if properly cared for. Please store in a cool/dry area (avoid direct sunlight) and do not add water!


Preserved Rose - C

A meaningful and powerful statement, Moon's Flowers handcrafted rose arrangement will have you relishing in a sense of luxury. Whether a gift for a loved one or to be put on display, this is a gorgeous item that will have any bystander entranced by its chic beauty. Featuring a hidden drawer for storing extra surprise gifts, Moon's flower rose arrangement will have you begging for more!


Preserved Roses Box

Preserved Roses Box

A meaningful and powerful statement, our handcrafted rose arrangement will have you relishing in a sense of luxury. Whether a gift for a loved one or to be put on display, this is a gorgeous item that will have any bystander entranced by its chic beauty. Featuring a hidden drawer for storing extra surprise gifts, Moon's flower rose arrangement will have you begging for more!


Single Preserved Rose Acrylic Box

Single Preserved Rose Acrylic Box


Chanel Preserved Rose


PVC Balloon

Bobo Balloon

Bobo Balloon

Unlike helium-filled balloons, the maintenance period of the balloon (air-filled) could be from two weeks to many more months. The length of time until noticeable deflation depends on the altitude, temperature, humidity, and other conditions the balloon is exposed. The size of the balloon arrangement is about 12 inches.


Flower Balloon Arrangement

Flower Balloon Arrangement

The flower balloons are made using artificial flowers(top-quality silk flowers). Unlike helium-filled balloons, the maintenance period of the flower balloon bouquet(air-filled) could be from two weeks to many more months. The length of time until noticeable deflation depends on the altitude, temperature, humidity, and other conditions the flower balloon is exposed. The size of the balloon Flower arrangement is about 10 inches wide and 14 inches high.


Teddy Bear Balloon (Deluxe)

The flower balloons are made using artificial flowers(top-quality silk flowers). Unlike helium-filled balloons, the maintenance period of the flower balloon bouquet(air-filled) could be from two weeks to many more months. The length of time until noticeable deflation depends on the altitude, temperature, humidity, and other conditions the flower balloon is exposed. The size of the balloon Flower arrangement is about 11 inches wide and 16 inches high.


Baby's Breath in a Balloon

Baby's Breath in a Balloon


Gift Items

In The Garden

In The Garden

Deluxe Bouquet is shown in the photo We create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet with the freshest seasonal flowers. Your hand-tied bouquet will be wrapped with our signature wrapping style and the stems will be placed in a water bag. It does not come with a vase.


Teddy Bear (Medium)

Teddy Bear (Medium)

The size of the teddy bear is Medium -10" Large -14".


Winter Bear-Small

Winter Bear-Small

Cuddle up with Moon's Flower adorable Toffee Bear! Toffee Bear is toasty brown colour bundled up with an adorable tartan scarf with pom accents. 8.5 inches in small size. 12 inches in large size. High-quality materials make for a soft and fluffy touch. Quality materials for a soft cuddling experience Perfect gift for the Winter holiday season. Sweet lovable facial expression.





Teddy Bear in a Balloon

Teddy Bear in a Balloon






Double Orchids

Double Orchids


Orchids in a Boat

Orchids in a Boat


Mini Orchid

Mini Orchid
